IM BACK because we all need positivity in our lifes ðŸ˜Š

Source: IM BACK because we all need positivity in our lifes 😊

IM BACK because we all need positivity in our lifes ðŸ˜Š

I guess I’m starting with I have really missed how happy I felt reading others positive blogs. I missed writing them as well.

One thing we all do is let things slip aside, we don’t forget about them really, we just push them back in our mind. I do read some blogs from people I follow, and something made me really want to come back. I felt better, much more positive & I don’t want to sound selfish, but I need positive everything right now, but dont we all?

I will say I had some not so great things happening with my health & personal life, and I let my mind wander off to depression & anxiety & stress. I shut down and didn’t talk or want to be around people. Now I’m pretty sure that’s the worse thing you can do, but we can’t be happy 100% of the time. We can try but something inside says ” no way u just can’t be happy, not today ” I can sure try  because like I said before in quote “We Choose How we Feel, you can choose to be Happy, Sad, Angry, it’s your choice”
I need positive, so do you! Some wonderful people that don’t know me well… bloggers, you all have been nice to me Im back because of all of you, and your sweet comments.

I am really looking forward to reading your blogs & getting back in touch, you saved me in so many ways So i hAve to say thank you so much. Have a wonderful Weekend

I smiled after I took this, then said what makes me feel good, or smile? That's why I'm sharing this. It's a real beach sunset and so Beautiful!

I smiled after I took this, then said what makes me feel good, or smile? That’s why I’m sharing this. It’s a real beach sunset and so Beautiful!

Thanksgiving Friday Pictures Bitterness

I love it

Ben's Bitter Blog

It’s Black Friday, so that means I assume everyone is out getting pummeled by other people just so they can a TV that is worth a $1000 for $900.  The Waltons are probably at home enjoying the cameras outside their Walmart for Black Friday Fight Club.  Before we talk about Black Friday tragedies, let’s just review the Bitter Day in Friday Bitter Picture style.

First, time for the easy 13 hour drive to your cousin’s uncle’s neighbor’s friends house:

Then we met some of the quality relative that we haven’t seen

The kids were just a delight to meet.

Meeting the adults was even more fun.

Food was eaten and eaten and eaten.  Then after we got full, we ate some more.

We got sleepy.

Went outside to work off the turkey.

Took the dog for a walk.

Sat around watching the fire.

Now all we had to look forward…

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“I just had a birthday on the 25th, I woke up looked in the mirror & said… out loud mind you. I really don’t look ANY older then I did yesterday.” I laughed at my own really dumb joke. 

But I did look at pictures from past birthdays and thought, I really don’t look old, I thought at my age I was told my hair would grey, I would have tons of wrinkles (I think the creams are working, wow who’d a thought) But I am still young. Yeah ha!

All I want to say right now is a birthday is just a day telling people you earned another year of wisdom, and respect. Think positive, right? I say that and I mean it for everything in your life.  6 months ago I would never have thought I would be blogging, I know silly, but I wanted to help OTHERS and blog, so that’s just the start. I promised myself to get motivated to go and audition for The Voice, I’m doing that.

So listen one last thing…. you are never to old to achieve, or go after a dream. So no more excuses, got it!! Your not to old, to dumb, to negative, to fat, to.. whatever. Go be positive, motivated and just go after that dream! $$$ I’m with you right hear, so let’s say yes and do it Now. Motivate me because I will be there for you.. 1…2..3.. LETS GO GET THAT DREAM, THINK POITIVE AND HELP OTHERS ALONG THE WAY.

PJ – Age, it’s just a number

A wonderful quote

A beautiful photo I took, then added a quote from Abraham Lincoln. 

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be”


Do I really need to say much? I have a said it before and I will always say it over & over. Be positive, laugh everyday and help others, even if it’s just a smile or helping someone put a heavy bag of dog food in their trunk.

Just always remember, YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR HAPPINESS!! This is my birthday present for myself, to know I helped others.

PJ – Be positive, if I can then you can too.


“Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize.”

This is such a wonderful Quote, and that is what got me out of a major depression. I Help others by taking my Therapy dog to schools, retirement homes, and working with Autistic kids & adults.

Just seeing the happy faces really put a smile on my face, & a good feeling inside. My Dog also loves it too. I hope if you are depressed think about helping others, it really works.

Make sure you keep a positive attitude as we’ll.

PJ – I hope you follow my blogs

True Friendship, Motivation and a Positive Attitude

Time for a quote,
“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the Limo breaks down”

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood”

Having wonderful friends in your life that keep you happy when your sad, or cry with you till you start laughing, a positive friend to support you is so important.
If all you have are friends that complain all the time, have that negative attitude almost every time you see them or talk to them, well…. you might want to get a new friend or let them know they need a major attitude change, or they just might not have people that want to do much with them anymore.
That’s a true friend, and one that helps you when you need motivation and you can/should do the same for them.
Remember wake up and decide right away, Hey…. I’m GOING to have a great day & I’m GOING to be in a darn good mood today.!!! I hope you will thank me later..
Think positive! Have a great week. 🙂

PJ- “True friends stab you in the front”

"My grandmother…

Image“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the hell she is.” -Ellen DeGeneres

Sometimes I like to just put some quotes up to get a smile from you.

Like I always say laughter is the best medicine!  🙂 so make sure you get a good laugh as often as possible.

PJ- Smile, life is full of laughter. Live life, love & laugh.